Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Another Test Down....

I have been studying for another test for the past few days - hard core! This evening I took the exam & got a 94!!! YEAHHHHH!! I was VERY pleased!
Then the TA says...You know it closes on the 11th? HUH?! Did the prof change the syllabus? No. So we take a look & low & behold the test closes on 7/11! LOL!!
Oh well! ALL GOOD! Now I have 3 weeks to start on the next one before it closes!! Which is actually a blessing since he told me this exam will be the hardest.

Next Wednesday another class starts so I will have to REALLY manage my time well. So this extra time will be wonderful to have & not feel too rushed.

I have been trying to continue to eat well. Trying to fit exercise in there somewhere, but its getting harder and harder. I worked out on Monday & hope to tomorrow also. Portion control some days continues to be a struggle but I am still working thru it.
One day at a time! Thats all I can do. Just continue working on it. It takes 21 days to change a habit or make a new one & next Monday will be my 21st day! :)

Here's to making new changes~all the time!


Vera said...

Nice job! Are you going to Getaway?!

Anonymous said...

Honey- I'm so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You have alot on your plate...no pun intended...and you are doing them all well. It's been a tough week for me to but we take it one day at a time. It's a struggle at times but its so worth it when we get to look uber-hot in that dress we haven't put on in years. And girl by those shoes on your blog, I know that you have a va-va-voom dress somewhere in that closet. Maybe fitting in that dress should be your goal instead of weight.

Don't worry mama...it's all good. Stay positive and stay focused

Chriselda said...

21 days, eh? What am I going to do with not having sex for 21 days so that I can change my habit of not needing it?
I guess I will work out instead. Geeze. (-;