Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Single Gal's Saturday Night

If you're single you understand these kind of nights all too well. Tonight was one of them for me. I was stood up, which I fully expected. That was not the shocker. But it may have been the icing on the proverbial wedding cake.

It was one of those oh so lonely nights that us single women have from time to time. Most nights are fine & I do not think about it but then again there are those nights that just hit you like a brick wall.

All day long I kinda laid around. Accomplished nothing other than backing up files on my computer & going for a workout. So I decided to get a sad, weepy girlie movie. I had heard good things about PS I Love You. Just the kinda "have your Kleenex box handy" movie I was looking for. And it did not disappoint.

I have heard more times than I really care to hear anymore that - "you do not want one of these" - "why do you want to get married?" or any other version you know of. If you are single you have heard most of them & know EXACTLY what I am talking about.

Bottom line....those who offer that bit of "advice" (if you will-or lack there of) are not in the relationship they want so its easier to discourage someone else b/c they are only relating it to what they are presently experiencing. But I think they are truly happier not to be where I am. Otherwise, they would get out of what they are in.

This is tough. If you have not been single within the last 5 - 10 years then I do not have the energy to hear it. It is not the same as it was when you were last single. It cannot compare. We are at different places in our life, age, everything than 10 years ago.

Being the hopeless romantic I am, I still believe that I will still find {LOVE}. I have to believe. If not then I will end up jaded like other women & I do not want that for myself. The negative energy is too consuming. So I put another notch in my lipstick case, put on my SINGLE WOMAN'S SHOES and get out there!

It IS hard being a single woman & you are damn straight - you have to have some PRETTY special shoes!! Do not slow down girl -- your time will come. BELIEVE!


Kim said...

Girl, I know exactly what you mean about the advice, the lonely night, the bitterness (or not wanting it rather).

Chriselda said...

Chica ... I understand. But, sometimes even when I have companionship ... companionship without "understanding" and intimacy can sometimes feel lonelier. I think what we really crave is just being able to be loved ... whether we brushed out teeth or not? Maybe I just don't know anything? shit.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mama-

I've been married for 7 years and to be honest..being singled sucked ass! I hated being single so much, so I feel your pain. So, trust me, I understand. The thing I hated the most was when attached friends would say dumb ish like "You have to stop looking for it!" The dumbest statement ever!

I was a plain jane and nobody was knocking on my door. At least your arse is FINE...hubba-hubba!!

I've always said I can do bad by myself so bring something positive to the table. Honestly, that elimated ALOT of men. I sat at home every weekend!! but I wanted someone who would adore me and came to the table with no drama. I hate to say it but it was damn near impossible to find a man with those two simple qualifications....sheese!!

Babygirl, I was single for over 5 years and celibate for 3 of those years..JUST KEEPING IT REAL... until I meet my honey 14 years ago at work. He wasn't my type, but he wanted pursued me and eventually I let him catch me.

Your time will come mama, trust me, it will come!! Hang in there...he's out there, getting ready for you.

Sorry for the ramble but aunt flo is jacking up my emotions...I know tmi